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$0 / month

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  • 1 Free user
  • 1 Active Projects
  • Every feature you need


Ideal for freelancers, startups, or smaller teams.

$7 /month per user

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  • Unlimited projects
  • Month-to-month, pay as you go

Evrybo Pro Unlimited

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$99 /month

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FeaturesFreeEvryboEvrybo Pro
Users1Unlimited $7 per userUnlimited
Feedback & Prototyping
Surveys - User Testing Forms
Whiteboard Collaboration
Activity Log
User roles and permissions
Feedback & Prototyping
Image uploadsUp to 5 MB per fileUp to 15 MB per fileUp to 20 MB per file
Image annotations
Public share links
Activity notifications
Screen Versions5UnlimitedUnlimited
Private discussionQ3 2024
Number of to-do boards per project1UnlimitedUnlimited
Assignee and due dates
Kanban view
List view
Private boards Q3 2024
CyclesQ3 2024
Calendar viewQ4 2024
Custom filter viewsQ4 2024
Custom fieldsQ3 2024
Custom task typesQ3 2024
Surveys - User Testing Forms
No. of active forms1UnlimitedUnlimited
No. of questions per form25UnlimitedUnlimited
Included monthly responsess500 viewable responses1000 viewable responsesUnlimited viewable responses
Form durationUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Resault Overview
Custom Welcome step
Custom Thank you step
Open Question
Simple Input
Yes or No
Multiple choice
Rating / Opinion Scale
Image Preference
Five second test
First click
Website task
Legal step
Prototype testQ4 2024
Tree test Q4 2024
Card sort Q4 2024
Copy test Q4 2024
Open Question Q4 2024
Screener Q4 2024
File upload Q4 2024
CSV export Q4 2024
Conditional logic Q4 2024
Variation sets Q4 2024
Limit recruitment link responses Q4 2024
Post form redirect Q4 2024
Customization Q4 2024
Whiteboard Collaboration
Live collaborateQ4 2024
Time Tracking & InvoicingQ4 2024
Time Tracking

Try Evrybo today

Designed for every stage of your journey. Start today, no credit card required.

Task management & design feedback software

Track. Analyse. Design. Improve. Made with love and passion.

© 2024 Evrybo